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How To Get 8 Pack ABS Simple And Safe

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 How To Get 8 Pack ABS Simple And Safe

Most men in America will go through their entire lives without ever having seen their abs, except maybe briefly one summer when they were 12. In fact, even many professional athletes don’t have abs their girlfriends can do laundry on. Few baseball pitchers, and no offensive linemen, see their abs when they suit up before a game.

But if you’re going to be fit, why not show it? For the average guy who’s in shape, getting abs isn’t that hard. It’s like taking an A- and turning it into an A+. Challenging, but hardly impossible.

Getting abs is a lot about diet, a little about exercise, and all about attitude. As a fitness model, trainer, and former natural bodybuilder, having defined abs has been part of my job description for the past decade, so I’ve learned to eat, train, and program my mind accordingly to keep them sharp. Below are 10 tips I’ve used that make the difference between regular and premium.

How To Get 8 Pack ABS

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1. Set a deadline

You don’t actually need abs that show.

Most men in America will go through their entire lives without ever having seen their abs, except maybe briefly one summer when they were 12. In fact, even many professional athletes don’t have abs their girlfriends can do laundry on. Few baseball pitchers, and no offensive linemen, see their abs when they suit up before a game.

But if you’re going to be fit, why not show it? For the average guy who’s in shape, getting abs isn’t that hard. It’s like taking an A- and turning it into an A+. Challenging, but hardly impossible.

Getting abs is a lot about diet, a little about exercise, and all about attitude. As a fitness model, trainer, and former natural bodybuilder, having defined abs has been part of my job description for the past decade, so I’ve learned to eat, train, and program my mind accordingly to keep them sharp. Below are 10 tips I’ve used that make the difference between regular and premium.

How To Get 8 Pack

2. Prevent food allergies

Break your main goal (to get flat, ripped abs) into smaller goals, such as losing one pound per week or adding a round to the ab circuit described on in step 10. Then set a deadline for each one. Losing a lot of weight to reveal your abs can seem like a big undertaking, but it’s much less daunting when you take the time to divide it into smaller, achievable checkpoints. Deadlines also make you accountable, giving you a schedule to keep and a bit of pressure to improve.

Take it a step further and tell your friends. Making your deadlines public is a powerful motivator because it puts your reputation on the
line, says Dan Ariely, a professor of psychology and behavioral economics at Duke University and author of The New York Times best seller, Predictably Irrational. In fact, the more attention you draw to what you’re doing, the less likely you’ll be to renege on it. Announce your intentions on Facebook or e-mail your buddies. That makes it harder for you to back down, and you’ll find that you have a support group full of people who want you to succeed.

How To Get 8 Pack ABS

3. Keep the protein coming

You could have low levels of body fat and still sport a bloated stomach. That’s because inflammation in your digestive tract, as the result of a food allergy, is making it swell. Wheat gluten, soy, and dairy are common allergens, and even if you haven’t noticed a problem with them, minor amounts could still be doing you harm.

Avoid these foods most of the time and see an allergist for a food sensitivity test to know for sure. At the very least, cut these foods out for a few weeks and see how you feel. Typically, if you’re sensitive to a food, you’ll notice less gas, bloating, and fatigue after a few days of being free of it.

How To Get 8 Pack ABS

4. Stop cutting calories

You need more muscle to increase your metabolism and burn off the fat that covers your six-pack. On the nutrition front, this means eating protein regularly. Because the body has no way to store protein, it needs a regular supply to keep your muscles well stocked. Eating small but frequent meals has always kept me more muscular. The protocol that’s worked best for 90% of my clients is to have five whole-food meals and one protein shake per day. If your diet calls for 200 grams of protein in a day (a good goal for a 200-pound man), I advise consuming five to six meals with 30–50 grams of protein in each.

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